Being a Civil Service or a Military child growing up in Japan .....was one of the most positive memories I was piviledged to have.
My parents would entertain Admirals, Generals, Privates and Conference Presidents.....all with the same love and hospitality to all. They saw no rank or color and all were welcome in our home.
Dad worked for the Civil Service Government, attached to Tachikawa, thirteen years prior in the Navy and also serving as an Elder for the Amanuma Seventh Day Adventist Church in Tokyo, ....If you knew my parents they were very loving people...that were a joy to be around.
I have found many thank you cards and letters ....from Missionaries like Dr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson, son of A.N, Nelson....thanking them for all their hard work and financial support. "Uncle Rich and Aunt Carol...could have made a lot of money in the U.S.A. being a physician ...but they as a "team" decided devote many years to the country of Japan so they could see Jesus.
My Momma, Joy Willis Pifer - with One of her Students - on the missionary Compound of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and Hospital - in Tokyo, Japan
I always wanted to be a today, December 28, prayer has been answered.....we all can be missionaries "wherever we are"....yaaaaay!!