Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's Coming Together Pamela Joy Presents MIXTURES

It's coming together........"Mixtures".....The New Magazine....for "The Girls Club"....all our B.F,F,;s New and Old around the World Share their stories, of Life, Art, Mixed Media, Sewing, Yarn, ....Exploring our World's Awesome Adventures!!       It's so exciting to be a part of this "Happy World"...I hope you'll share your stories with us.....

        "When you let go...and can Breathe....Create....and Dream...your Most Passionate Dream...where Jesus can make it a Reality.....Pamela Joy, 2011 :-)  Love all my B.F.F.'s around the World....and Please Visit Them all ...I will post them here - You wil love these ...Awesome women we have met...and Men with appealing talent.....Children....who will Open Your Eyes in Wonder!

1 comment:

Starr said...

Paula, I'm so happy for you. Beautiful cover!