Friday, September 16, 2011

the Girls Club

Isn't this adorable.....Lacee from is making all the Original Models Photo Art Albums so you will be able to show your designs in person as well as link them to   Ben and Matt from All*Starr Graphics will be merging our websites, Pamela Joy Speaks and Pamela Joy Purses together so they flow - Pamela certainly does not know how to do that LOL...... they are starting work on the Banner so when we enter our designs at the trade shows we'll have the Pamela Joy Girls Club Banner....also there will be a Special Place for all Mixture sponsors and **Stars** so everyone will be able to launch their site and display their talent.     Not all of us want to sell....not all of us want to be "out" at the Girls Club and Mixtures (boys and girls lol)...there will be a place foreveryone...."I always say...give something at least 90 days ....and it will start to make sense or not.....Everyone have a wonderful and peaceful weekend...and again Lacee thank you is just stunning!!!!  

The winner for the First Mini goes to Shawna and Jen they were the first to Model - so No "Momma" isn't playing favorites LOL the rest of ya'alls are coming lol :-)


Sharon said...

Wow - love this creation and the flowers are stunning!

Pamela Joy Purses said...

thank you Sharon, Lacee is doing a whole series for us...we are very excited!!!